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Free Standing Acoustics

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Tune Acoustic Panel
The sound-absorbing panels of the Tune collection are designed both to furnish with elegance as well...
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Diamante Acoustic Panel
The Diamante acoustic system is characterized by a modular design and a large size of the sound-abso...
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Leaves Free Standing Acoustic Panel
100% inspired by nature. Simply. Our leaf-shaped panels are not only pragmatic, serving its main pur...
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Soundwave® Wall, Acoustic panel
Soundwave® Wall is the largest acoustic panel made by Offecct to date, it is built upon the existin...
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Kulture Cabin Acoustic Pod
Introducing the Kulture Cabin, designed by Jo Day – a comfortable and private pod designed for one...
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Mirage Tree Screen
Mirage Tree offers a clean and elegant design, seamlessly merging with your indoor environment while...
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